Analyzing the Heart diseases

In the list of the health hazards which claim most of the American lives each year, the heart diseases of different kinds come out on the infamous first spot. And while leading the US list, it also is a very global threat too. Speaking of the sexes, men are a little more likely to suffer from this, especially from the Coronary heart disease.

Studying the Causes of the Cancer

Luckily, when it comes to the top-10 of healthcare hazards that plague our society, cancer comes up not at the first, but rather at the distant second position, immediately following the heart diseases. While it may be a well-known and documented fact that any type of cancer can affect people of all genders, ages, races and ethnicities, the reputable…

What kinds of injuries can be dangerous or even fatal?

Accidents, also known among the doctors as unintentional injuries, are at present the 4th leading cause of death in America and have proven to be the leading cause of death for those between the ages 1 to 44. The federal and state-level road safety & transportation authorities state that highway crashes alone have an annual damage and…